Experienced realtors know better than anyone that first impressions are everything. Finding a way to stand out from the crowd and establish your professional brand from the get-go needs to be an important part of your marketing strategy. Offrs.com reviews several pieces of demographic information found via web searches to give you the most comprehensive portrait of your prospects. So when you go to introduce yourself to a new client, you can do so with confidence, and most importantly, a personal touch.
When it comes to first touch campaigns, most realtors make the mistake of spending their funds on mass outreach. Industry trends show that it’s more a quality over quantity strategy that turns the right prospects into leads and eventually closed sales.
Potential sellers want someone who knows their surrounding area and how to bring out the best in their property to get them a higher sale price. Creating a personalized first touch campaign helps realtors and agents earn trust and establish rapport sooner than sending a mass mailer for the simple sake of getting your name out there.
A successful first touch campaign involves three key factors: the medium, the message, and the follow-up. Choosing an effective medium that caters to the way your individual prospects best receive information is the first step to setting your campaign up for success. The majority of people who get direct mailers that are generic and impersonal throw them directly into the trash. Emails are effective when personalized but also run you the risk of ending up in someone’s Spam folder. Cold calls can be scary but they also show that you have confidence and that you are willing to make the effort to really connect with your prospective seller. Knowing the best way to capture and engage your desired sellers may take some research, but will likely return on your investment by saving you time and money in the long run.
Deciding how to introduce yourself and your services is the next step to finding success with a first touch campaign. Telling your potential clients about your experience is all well and good as long as it comes across as a genuine way for them to get to know you and not just a brag sheet. Thoughtful and helpful messages convey a sense of warmth and humility that appeals to many homeowners, even the ones that are not currently thinking about selling but might be interested in the future. Letting them know you’re the neighborhood expert will go miles further than a corporate branded postcard addressed to “Current Resident.”
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